enna cycle easy cup
Now you can pull!
The only menstrual cup with an applicator
Easy removal technology – slit on the side of the cup to break the vacuum.
Frosted finish – with micro air spaces to reduce friction against the vaginal walls.
Seis bolas – Incluimos dos bolas más para poder tirar de ellas sin problemas.

The menstrual cup that makes it easy: now you don’t need to break the vacuum, the cup breaks it just by pulling on the balls. No fear of hurting yourself, no doubts about whether you will be able to remove it. If you’ve ever had any questions about whether you would know how to use the cup, enna cycle easy cup answers them: with an applicator to help you insert it and an easy removal system. Why is enna cycle easy cup revolutionary?
Why is a cycle different?
- Applicator*
- 2 menstrual cups that are easy to remove
- Steriliser box
enna cycle is made in Spain with medical liquid silicone which fully adapts to the body and doesn’t cause any adverse reaction.
Chemical free.
* Only S easy cup and M easy cup references have an applicator.

enna cycle easy cup is indicated when:
- Pelvic floor is strong, young women.
- Sports practices that strengthen the pelvic floor are practised.
- There are difficulties in removing the menstrual cup.
- There is discomfort when handling the genital area.
The menstrual cup is a container that is inserted into the vagina during menstruation to collect menstrual flow. Until now, to empty the menstrual cup you had to reach into the base and pinch it to break the vacuum. Now it’s so much easier with enna cycle easy cup, the cup that’s easy to remove.
If you think this is not your cup model, don’t worry, we have the enna cycle original. How do they differ?

Pero… ¿Qué talla es la más adecuada para mí?
Enna cycle tiene 3 tallas… ¡Te ayudamos!

Dependiendo de cómo es tu suelo pélvico y como han quedado tus paredes vaginales después del parto. Si has ejercitado el suelo pélvico y has fortalecido las paredes vaginales la talla que necesitarás es más pequeña, si tu suelo pélvico ha sufrido tras el parto quizás necesitarás una más grande.
La práctica de algunos deportes de forma regular influye en la musculatura pélvica:
- Si practicas regularmente deportes como el atletismo, el baloncesto, el voleibol o todos aquéllos donde se realicen saltos repetidos (running, tenis, pádel, aerobic,…) necesitarás una talla mayor, ya que, estos deportes suelen debilitar el suelo pélvico.
- Si practicas regularmente deportes de bajo impacto como yoga o pilates necesitarás una talla menor.
Si eres alta y/o de complexión grande necesitarás una talla mayor y si eres bajita y/o de complexión pequeña necesitarás una talla menor.á
But which size is right for me?
enna cycle easy cup comes in 3 sizes, with or without applicator. We can help you choose the right size!
To facilitate the introduction of enna cycle there are different ways to bend the menstrual cup

Which are the benefits of using the menstrual cup?

Does not interfere with vaginal pH. It is not associated with the SST

No need for constant changes.

Recover the investment in a few months.

Forget to buy each month, a menstrual cup can be used up to 10 years

Medical-grade silicone is inert, germs do not accumulate in it.

It generates much less waste than any other alternative.